Kopitiam: Hon Kee Famous Porridge
Cuisine: Chinese, non-halal
Address: Petaling Street, next to Koon Kei - the famous wantan mee shop
Verdict: Still good after all these years
Now, this is a blast from the past for me. I used to frequent this stall for supper as a kid. At that time, to me, this was the BEST porridge in the world. Over the years, we've tried to eat less supper as it's not healthy.. and we're fat. Also, I rarely headed out to this part of town , what with new shopping malls mushrooming all over the place. So... somehow this place was, not forgotten, but kept somewhere in the back of my mind all these years.
Since my classes are in the area, I have taken the liberty of scouring the streets of KL's Chinatown during my lunch breaks between classes. I have so far found an arts and crafts shop that sold mostly painting materials (now I know where to go when I get the urge to do oil painting again), I've been going to Macy's (the wholesale handicraft store), found loads of very interesting shops... Today, I found a shop selling buttons. Alright they had a very very small selection of yarn and threads etc but they had A LOT of buttons. So cool... I'm definitely going back there soon.
Anyway, I had lunch at Hon Kee today again (I had it last week too!). Last week I had the pork innards porridge and this week I had my all-time favourite - pork balls porridge. It's not as nice as it used to be because the old lady who used to run the place has passed on. I think the person running it now is perhaps her daughter but Im not sure. But, yea, it's just not the same. BUT.. It's still one of the best..

Oooooooh, I miss this place!! *whines* I wanna eat I wanna eat I wanna eaaaaaaat.....
Btw I sent you an email (both MacQuarie and gmail) about my blueberry muffins hehe.. There are 2 pics and the recipe. Not bad, but abit too cupcake-y to really be called muffins!
I love all the pics of food *__* *drools*
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